Three Years of Operation of the «Marmari» Poultry Farming Complex


The Poultry Agro-Industrial Complex of the Limited Liability Company “Marmari” is one of the most significant facilities in the country, officially inaugurated three years ago, on August 28, 2021, in the Danghara district. The opening ceremony was attended by the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, along with the Chairman of the Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mayor of Dushanbe, His Excellency Rustami Emomali.

The first phase of the complex’s opening in Sebiston, Danghara district, was marked by the ceremonial unveiling of a commemorative plaque and the launch of the facility’s incubator, with the Leader of the Nation presiding over the event. The incubator, which spans over 1 hectare of land with a total area of 2,000 square meters, is one of the largest in Tajikistan.

This facility includes a sanitation area for equipment, a reception room for incubation eggs, a refrigerated storage room for eggs, egg-laying and chick-hatching rooms, as well as vaccination and chick transfer rooms. With an annual capacity of more than 5 million chicks, this incubator not only supplies 3 million chicks to the “Marmari” complex’s poultry farm but also provides the remaining chicks to other poultry farms across the country.

The operations of the “Marmari” poultry complex are fully aligned with the strategic goals of the Government of Tajikistan, including ensuring the population has access to high-quality food products and accelerating the country’s industrialization. This project contributes significantly not only to the development of poultry farming but also to the expansion of the country’s overall production capacity.