Acquaintance with the production process at “Arvis Zelal Textile” LLC in Mastchoh district

azt On July 7, the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, arrived in Mastchoh district on a working trip, and in “Arvis Zelal Textile” LLC, which is considered one of the largest spinning complexes in Sughd Province, became familiar with the process of industrial processing of cotton fiber and production of cotton yarn.

During the acquaintance with the production process, President Emomali Rahmon was informed that this large spinning complex with the contribution of entrepreneurs from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkey started operating again in December 2022 after renovation, and more than 300 local residents are provided with well-paid jobs there.

In the large spinning factory, women and girls will make up the largest number of employees, and it is possible to provide jobs for another 200 people.

At this stage of production, the total number of employees will reach 500 people, and the average salary will be 1500-2000 somoni.

“Arvis Zelal Textile” LLC, which currently operates in three shifts, has the possibility of industrial processing of 6.5 thousand tons of cotton fiber and the production of 5 thousand 400 tons of cotton yarn of sizes 16, 20, 24 and 30 per year.


“Arvis Zelal Textile” LLC is the largest spinning enterprise in the region in terms of production and technological capacity, and in its separate factories, the most advanced devices and equipment for cotton fiber processing and cotton yarn production from the world’s most prestigious companies, including Germany, China and Turkey, have been installed. Raw materials are available entirely from the territory of Sughd Province.

Head of State Emomali Rahmon, after familiarizing himself with the production process, demanded from the relevant officials the effective use of work equipment, high-quality processing of cotton fiber, production of competitive products in the world market, and creation of new jobs.

It was reported that the manufactured product – cotton yarn is currently exported abroad, including to the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the same time, this company has the opportunity to supply textile enterprises of the country with cotton yarn.

According to information, during December 2022 and the last six months of 2023, about 2 thousand tons of cotton yarn was produced in this large spinning complex.

The President of the country instructed the officials and investors of “Arvis Zelal Textile” LLC to increase the production of yarn to 8 thousand tons per year in the future, with the introduction of new technological lines and the effective and rational use of existing capabilities, particularly complete processing of raw materials, here the four complete stages of production, including spinning, weaving, dyeing and sewing, are widely implemented. In the future, the completion of this measure will allow raw materials to be processed to the limit in the country, and along with the supply of the domestic market, the volume of export of ready-made sewing products to the country will also increase.

Investors have promised that the fabric production and dyeing plant will be put into operation after the introduction of new technological lines, and plans have been drawn up for the establishment of a sewing factory.