Commencement of the Bus Manufacturing Plant’s Operations in Dushanbe

imgToday, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, and President of the Republic of Tajikistan, esteemed Emomali Rahmon, along with the Chairman of Dushanbe, Rustami Emomali, officially launched the operations of the bus manufacturing plant in Firdavsi district.

The construction of the plant was completed based on the instructions and directives of the Head of State by the limited liability company “Akia Avesto Automotive Industry.” The company was established as a joint venture between the domestic company “Avesto Group” and the Turkish trading company “Ulishem” and aimed at achieving the declared national goal of industrializing the country.

The joint venture will increase the production capacity of buses to 300 units per year, and the number of workers will be increased to 200 local specialists. The investment volume for the construction and installation of the public passenger transport production line will amount to 90 million somoni.

The plant has six production lines: a welding line, priming and coating lines, a painting line, mechanical and electrical assembly lines, and a final quality control line. Each production line is equipped with modern and advanced technology.

It should be noted that 200 buses were purchased by the Executive Body of State Authority of Dushanbe with the condition that they would be assembled domestically by specialists from the joint venture “Akia Avesto Automotive Industry.”

Today, specialists at the plant are being sent to the Republic of Turkey for advanced training and to gain international experience, where they receive training from initial production to the completion of the bus manufacturing cycle.


The advanced training and skills enhancement of local specialists enabled the timely assembly of buses and their delivery to the Executive Body of State Authority of Dushanbe as per the established procedure. Currently, the buses imported and assembled domestically have been operating on city routes, serving the residents and guests of the capital for a year.

The assembled and manufactured buses, meeting international “Euro-5” standards, are equipped with engines from the reputable company “Mercedes Benz,” the German firm “Zahnrad Fabrik,” and other spare parts and components purchased with special guarantees and high quality from well-known German and Turkish companies. According to the plan, five types of public passenger transport will be produced in stages. In the first stage, intra-city buses will be produced with a length of 12 meters and a capacity of 98 passengers: 26 seated and 72 standing.

One of the competitive advantages of the produced buses is that all models of the “Akia” brand buses are manufactured using modern technologies, which reduce the overall weight, leading to fuel savings, environmental protection, and increased lifespan. The buses are equipped with five surveillance cameras and two monitors, as well as air conditioning to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. In the future, the phased production of minibuses and trucks is planned.


The constructed building was built by local builders, taking into account modern design and using high-quality materials. The total area of the plant’s production lines is 12,000 square meters.


Along with the construction and reconstruction of the building, favorable conditions have been created for the workers of the joint venture, including a dining room for 300 seats, a conference room, a dressing room with individual lockers for each worker, parking, and a medical point.

The joint venture’s activities are aimed at meeting the demand of the Republic of Tajikistan for the production of goods and their export to regional countries.

The commencement of the bus manufacturing plant’s operations is a stable step in the state policy of the Republic of Tajikistan towards achieving another goal of the Government, especially the Leader of the Nation, esteemed Emomali Rahmon, in turning Tajikistan into an industrial country, a goal that is being implemented gradually by the Government.

Additionally, today, the limited liability company “Avesto Group” presented a project for the production enterprise of fiberglass pipes in the Republic of Tajikistan with the participation of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, esteemed Emomali Rahmon.

The construction of the fiberglass pipe production plant is being carried out in collaboration with one of the world’s leading companies in this field, the Turkish company “Superlit Boru.”

The pipes used in the project are mainly imported from outside the country. Considering the sustainable development of the country’s economy and the expansion of cities and districts, there is an urgent need to reconstruct and restore drinking water supply networks, sewage systems, and irrigation systems for agricultural lands and water pumping stations.

Fiberglass pipes can withstand high pressure and are non-combustible. Their production requires quartz sand, fiberglass, and bitumen. It should be noted that Tajikistan has large deposits of quartz sand, which can be used to produce fiberglass. LLC “Avesto Group” signed a memorandum with the Turkish company “Superlit Boru” to build a fiberglass pipe production plant and will soon begin construction work.

According to the plan, the plant will be built on a 4-hectare area, with an annual production capacity of up to 150 kilometers. The diameter of the produced pipes will range from 300 mm to 3000 mm. More than 50 people will be provided with permanent jobs at the plant. The plant will be fully import-substituting, and once it reaches full capacity, it will have the opportunity to export its products to neighboring countries.